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Adding a test case

Add new test case to a project in TestCollab

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over a week ago

You are planning to test a product / a feature, and you have the knowledge of what needs to be tested, you also know what are pre-requisites for testing, the steps that need to be followed by tester, what would be the expected outcome to call it a successful test.

TestCollab makes it easy for you to bring all these together under one unit and call it a test case, you often need one or more test cases to test a product or feature. You may also group related test cases into test suites.

Adding a test case

There are many ways you can reach to add test case page,

  • You can use the 'Add Test Case' button on test cases page

  • Click add test case link in navigation

  • Using a suite's context menu

  • Quick link on project dashboard.

Add test case form in TestCollab


Once you are on add test case page, you start by providing a title that should be concise yet clear to communicate the purpose of the test case.


Selecting a suite is optional but it is good practice to keep related test cases grouped within test suites. If you do not see a suite that serves the purpose then you can add one on-the-go right using Add New Suite option at the bottom of suites list.


Next comes the priority, by default it is Normal the other options are High and Low.


Description is again optional but if you are having any pre-conditions or any special instructions for the tester then description can be a good field to hold them.

Steps and their Expected Results

Now we come to a very important part of a test case, its steps. What operations need to be performed by the tester and in which sequence, can all be defined as steps. You can have as many steps as you want but it is advisable not to have everything related to a feature covered in one test case.

The steps can be precise and easily understandable, a tester while running the test case would have option to mark individual steps as passed or failed, and in order to help him decide you can add what is called as the expected result. Not every step is expected to generate some result but you cannot have a expected result without step.

So you need to make sure that the step (and its expected result) on one hand is complete in itself to be marked as passed or failed, on other hand it should not be too long making it difficult for tester to decide whether same status can be set for the entire step or not.

Formatting text for steps and expected results

The steps and expected results editor come with handy formatting tools.

Formatting text for a test case in TestCollab

We know the importance of the steps you have added and the time you have spent in adding them for a test case, so if the same step (or set of steps) are needed to be performed again either in same test case or in other test cases, we make that work lot easier.

Duplicating a step

Using duplicate icon you make a copy of the step (and its results).

Rearranging steps

Rearrange steps icon in TestCollab

Changing the sequence of steps can be easily done using rearrange icon, click and hold the icon while dragging the step to its desired position.

Reusable Steps

Reusable steps icon in TestCollab

Reusable steps help you save time and be more productive. Reusing steps across multiple test cases is very helpful. You can insert existing reusable steps in your test case. You can also save steps from your current test case as reusable steps for future use.

Custom fields

Custom fields let you add additional data to test cases in your TestCollab projects. You can create a field for test case type, pre-conditions or anything else that’s important to your workflow and company.

Tagging test cases

Tagging provides a better way to categorize test cases and thus improve search-ability. One or more tags can be associated with a case, and it is possible to have a new tag added if it does not already exist.

Associating a tag with test case in TestCollab

Attaching files

To add further information to the test cases, you can attach with test case; a data file, a screen-shot, a screen-cast, or any other artifact that helps in better communication of idea that works behind a test case.

Before saving the test case make sure you have provided values for all the mandatory fields.

You can also use quick add option for test case.

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