Test cases often to be created around the issues we have on issue management tools like Gitlab.
You can now connect your Gitlab issues with test cases in TestCollab using requirements management feature. Let us dive into the details.
We would start by configuring the project specific settings to enable requirements management.
Requirements Settings
A TestCollab company's administrators can configure project specific requirements settings , the first step is to enable requirements management feature for the project.
The next step involves selection of requirement manager.
A Gitlab account needs to be linked to fetch the issues from; please make sure that the Gitlab user whose account is linked for the purpose has access to Gitlab projects and issues.
When a Gitlab account is connected, the administrator can switch to configure section where he selects the Gitlab project from where issues that would be fetched to link as requirements.
Once requirement configuration is done test cases can be linked with issues from Gitlab.
Linking Requirements
Linking of requirements can be done by a user who has right to add or edit test cases in current TestCollab project.
When a user adds a new test case or edits an existing one, there would be an option of linking issues from Gitlab as requirement.
Issues are fetched on the basis of search criteria entered by user, please note that the search would work on issue titles and their summaries as soon as the user clicks on "Search" button or presses 'Enter' or 'Return' key.
Please note that while searching the characters in the start of a word that is part of issue title would be considered. For example search string "test" would fetch "testing" but not "fastest".
Saving the test case would save new requirement also.
Viewing Requirements Linked with Test Case
When test case view is opened, a separate pane at the bottom lists the requirements linked with the test case.
Requirements Page
There is a dedicated page that would list all the requirements linked with all test cases of a project.
On the page every requirement is linked to its source in Gitlab and user also has option to get all the test cases shortlisted on basis of linked requirement when concerned column value is clicked upon.
Requirements Filter
As discussed above user can get the test cases shortlisted on the basis of linked requirement for this one can use the filters option on test cases page. Applying filter is straight forward one can select a criteria 'Contains', 'Not contains' and 'Is blank'. 'Is blank' can be used to see list of test cases that have not been linked with any requirement so far.
Traceability matrix for requirements
You can get a traceability matrix report generated for requirements in project to know :
Total number of requirements
Requirements covered (have test cases linked with them)
Uncovered requirements (having no test case associated)
Linked test cases count
Please see the user guide article that explains the report in detail