The "QA Copilot
" settings page, apart from helping with project-wide configuration, also allows administrators to monitor the training progress for automating test cases in a project using QA Copilot.
Token balance
It is important to track the token balance as you progress through the training of QA Copilot on test cases.
Please note that this number is not project specific as it shows the total tokens you have in credit for your company.
Cases Trained
The total number of test cases within the current project for which QA Copilot has been trained so far.
Cases In-Progress
The total number of test cases within the current project for which QA Copilot is currently being trained.
This section shows the list of test cases within the current project for which QA Copilot is currently being trained.
An administrator cancel the training for a specific test case, if required. It will stop the training process when "Cancel
" option is used.
This section shows the list of test cases within the current project for which QA Copilot has already been trained so far.
Depending on number of test cases being trained currently and the test cases trained so far these lists can be paginated.
Requesting more token credits
If you run out of the token balance you can send us a request by simply clicking on the "Request more credits
" link on the "QA Copilot
" settings page or by using the in-app chat support platform.