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TestCollab's bi-directional integration app for JIRA
TestCollab's bi-directional integration app for JIRA

Get all your test cases management activities performed from within JIRA

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This plugin is only available for companies subscribed to a paid plan.

Now there is no need to switch between two different tools to manage your test cases.

If you are a JIRA user you can now use TestCollab's bi-directional app to manage all your test cases from within JIRA by linking your test cases from TestCollab with issues in JIRA.

Things you can do with our Jira app are:

  • Link existing test cases of TestCollab with Jira issues

  • Add new test cases from Jira to TestCollab

  • Edit linked test cases

  • Delete test cases

  • Unlink test cases

  • Create new test plan from Jira in TestCollab

Installing the app

TestCollab's bi-directional app is now available on Atlassian marketplace with the name "TestCollab - Test management for Jira". Installation is simple and straight forward, click on Get App to let the installation begin

You would be shown the application's basic information along with options to review app's terms of use and privacy policy. Click on Get it now to agree with these and install the app.

Clicking on configure on installation success message brings up API token entry form.

Configuring the application

Providing Administrator's API Token

You can use the link provided above the API token entry box to get an API token generated.

Remember at the time of configuring the app you can either use API token of either super administrator or of an administrator from your company registered with TestCollab, using API token of a non admin is not allowed to configure the app.

Select Company

Once API token is verified, you would be asked to select the company / account name.

API Token Entry for All Users

There is one more place where you would enter your TestCollab API token, this is the page where your API token is used to link your TestCollab profile. The option is available under Apps menu, you simply have to select the app name i.e. TestCollab

Note: If you revoke your API token in TestCollab then you need to reconfigure the TestCollab bi-directional integration app in JIRA, failing to this would cause the app to not to work in JIRA.

By this time when you navigate to your JIRA project you would see new link for "TestCollab" on left navigation bar

But before we can use it, we have to configure project specific settings in JIRA for TestCollab app

Project settings for TestCollab app

You select a TestCollab project whose test cases you would like to get managed and linked with issues in current JIRA project.

One more important part of this setting is selection of issue types you want the feature of test cases management to work for.

All the processes discussed above are performed by a user who has provided the API token of a TestCollab super administrator or administrator.

From this point onward the features are common for administrators and non-administrators but in case of non-administrators the availability would depend on the role assigned to user in TestCollab.

Having done the project specific setting the link for "TestCollab" on project's main menu should be usable.

Note: you may be asked to enable third part cookies on your browser

With this you are all set to use the app. Start by exploring the TestCollab project's details

Note: Based on the permissions you have in the selected TestCollab project, you would be able to perform various operations on entities like test suites, test cases and test plans using this interface.

Test cases management through JIRA issues

For the JIRA issue types selected while configuring project specific settings for TestCollab you would get options to perform various operations.

Notice the section titled "Test Cases" below the details of JIRA issue, this is the place from where you would be linking and managing test cases of TestCollab.

Linking test cases

Clicking on "Link test cases" opens up the list of test cases of TestCollab project.. You can shortlist for the test cases that you need to link with JIRA issue to work , as in TestCollab you can filter the test cases on various search criteria.

Once the test cases are shortlisted click on checkbox on title row of grid to select them all (or you can also select individual test cases) and use "Link now" button.

The linked test cases should now be listed on "Test Cases" section and ready for various operations to be performed.

Adding a test case

If your TestCollab role in project allows then you can add new test cases and get those new test cases automatically linked with current JIRA issue.

More details on how to add test case are available here.

Editing a test case

Just like adding, editing of test cases is simple, you have to use the actions menu shown next to the individual test case.

Once "Edit" option is selected, it opens up the edit test case form.

Unlink a test case

If a test case is no longer needed to be linked with JIRA issue, it can be unlinked, again the Unlink option is available on actions menu.

Deleting a test case

If a test case is no more required then use delete action.

Please note this action will not only unlink the test case from JIRA issue but it would also DELETE the test case from your TestCollab instance and this action cannot be reverted, so one needs to be very careful while performing this action.

Creating a test plan

With the linked test cases you can also get a test plan created and assigned to testers.

The process is identical to the one performed in TestCollab.

Automatic linking of failed test cases with defects reported

With the latest version available as on date of writing this, the defects reported from TestCollab as a result of test case failure will automatically link of the test cases with issue thus reported in JIRA, provided the app specific project settings are done in JIRA.

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