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Importing Test Cases

Get the test cases imported in bulk in a TestCollab project

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over a week ago

Import using CSV or a Spreadsheet

If you have your test cases in CSV or a spreadsheet, then you can simply get them imported (added in bulk) in your TestCollab project following some simple steps.

Import Wizard

1. Datasource

You start by selecting the datasource. As of now we support CSV and spreadsheet like XLS/XLSx/ODS formats.

In this article we would be referring the selected file as datasource.

Tip: Most of the spreadsheet management software like MS Excel, LibreOffice allow you to get the spreadsheets exported in CSV format.

2. Import

Here, we upload the file with test cases to be imported.

Tip: You can also download a sample file (using the link provided) that can be referred for the format that is expected by the application. A copy of the sample file is also attached with this article.

Once the file is selected, you can select the suite options and Steps parsing options.

What are suite options?

  • All the test cases can be imported under a single test suite that either already exists in the project or a new suite can be added

  • Suite mapping, if enabled then on the "Map fields" step you would be able to map the suites available in your datasource with the ones already existing in your project

What are steps parsing options? (Optional)

Only needed if you have all steps in a single row.

  • If all your steps (and expected results) are in a single row then you can select steps delimiter
    - Steps and expected results can either be separated by a comma , or
    - Steps and expected results can be numbered

Note: Expected results are optional that means steps can exist without expected results but it should not be vice versa.

2.1 Column headers

Here, you select 'Yes' if your datasource contains the column headers (it usually is the top most row that is by default shown selected)

3. Map fields

This is an important step as the columns in datasource are to be mapped with the test case's fields including the custom fields.

Note: All mandatory fields for test case should have a column mapped with them. Columns that are not mapped with any of the fields will not get their data imported. Similarly the non-mandatory fields that are not mapped to corresponding columns from datsource will be left blank or would have their default values.

3.1 Mapping Values

The second part of this step requires mapping of values for fields (that have options) with the values present for columns mapped.

If you had earlier opted to map the suites then you would be mapping data present in datasource (for column mapped to suite field) with suites already present in project.

4. Preview

Preview the test cases' data before it gets imported.

Tip: Till this point, you can use the "Back" link provided with the step title to switch to the previous steps to review the selections made.

5. Status

The import operation is taken care of by a background process so you would see progress of completion of task (in percentage).

All errors/issues with data rows would be reported when the import process finishes, it consists of row index number of record that failed and the reason of failure. The issues may arise due to inconsistent or invalid data present in datasource.

Note: If you are on the free plan then the maximum number of test cases that can be imported will be :

Maximum no. of test cases allowed for free plan - Test cases already present in all projects.

Sample file

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