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Test Plan Summary
Test Plan Summary

Everything you would like to know about a test plan in TestCollab

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over 5 months ago

You may have a hundred test cases added to a test plan, there can be multiple configurations to manage the test executions and you may have several RUNS created for a test plan but you can get gist of all on the test plan 'Summary' page.

Whether its about having basic details of test plan that comprise data from its fields, or a more detailed analytical information, we have summarized everything for you. Here are some major highlights of test plan summary page.

Test plan fields

Test plan fields in TestCollab

Test case status

Test case execution status for a test plan in TestCollab

The status of all the test cases added in test plan based on their last run is depicted in this pie chart. It is basically there to give you information on out of all the test cases added to the test plan, how many have passed, how many have failed, marked as skipped or blocked. It also lets you know how many test cases are unexecuted, being a manager you would like to know the reason behind this if its been a while since the test plan has started or the deadline is approaching.

The count of status depicted on this pie chart depends on the number of configurations introduced for the test plan, ideally total number of test cases depicted would be test cases added to test plan * number of configurations.

Configuration wise test case status for a test plan in TestCollab

Burndown chart

A useful analytical tool if your test plan has start and due dates. It serves as work effort projection tool as well as a comparative analysis tool to benchmark your team's performance against the ideal burndown.

Configuration wise test case execution status for a test plan in TestCollab

How Brundown chart works?

Let us take an example your test plan has some 150 test cases added to it and is set to start on November 1st and due date for its completion is November 15th. Since your team has 15 days to execute 150 test cases, so an ideal burndown (kind of daily workload distribution) for your team, irrespective of how many testers have been added, would be executing atleast 10 test cases per day so that the workload that is 150 pending test cases before the start of test plan gets reduced to 140 pending test cases after the end of first day, 130 pending test cases after the end of second day and so on...

Days passed

Pending test cases at the end of day

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3



Day 14


Day 15


To compare it with how actually the team has fared you would like to know how many test cases actually are pending after the end of each day, so you can have an estimate whether it would be possible for the team to finish the task within set timeframe, if there is a huge variance then you may like to reconsider shifting the deadlines or adding more testers or relieving some of them depending on how the performance have been.

Days passed

Ideal burndown

Team effort

Day 1



Day 2



Day 3






Day 14



Day 15



The above burndown clearly indicates that more than the required days had been allotted for the test plan.

Work summary

The counts and the progress you always would want to keep hold of becomes part of work summary along with the assignees information.

Work summary for a test plan in TestCollab

User Workload

Is there a balance in workload as far as the number of test cases assigned to individual tester in test plan is concerned, have it compared as it helps in analysing whether there is a need to shift the load, and this may be based on other factors too that can be out of scope of test planning.

User workload analysis for a test plan in TestCollab

Printing a test plan

Users get an option to print details of test plan summary.

Printing test plan summary in TestCollab

Sharing a test plan

Test plan data can be shared even with the persons who are not registered as users for your company on TestCollab. More details are available here

Sharing a test plan publicy

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