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Defects Management using Gitlab

Integrate with Gitlab as defects management tool

Vishal Vaswani avatar
Written by Vishal Vaswani
Updated over a week ago

Gitlab is undoubtedly a very popular tool amongst developers community. We are hereby introducing the feature of integration with Gitlab as defects management tool. Now, the issues can automatically be reported on Gitlab, if tester opt to do so when a test case fails while it is being run. Please read on to know the process of configuring Gitlab as defects manager.

Integration Process

The defects settings are done by administrator(s) of the company. While working on a project, you start by navigating to "Defects" page accessible through "Settings" menu. The first option is to enable or disable the defects management for current project.

Selection of defects / issue manager is the next step, in our case we would select Gitlab

Then the administrator needs to connect his/her Gitlab account that will be used for integration, for this, one needs to "Sign-in to Gitlab"

You would then be shown details of the developer app that TestCollab uses to provide integration services with Gitlab, so that you can read and understand them and then authorize the app to perform the operations listed.

Once you authorize the application you can then configure the settings.

This includes providing information related to

  • Project (mandatory) - the Gitlab project in which the issues will be reported in an event of test case failure

  • Milestone

  • Labels

  • Weight

  • Due Date

  • Confidential

  • Assignee(s)

A filled up configuration section would look like the following sample:

Save the settings and test the connection, please note that this would create a test issue in your selected Gitlab project so that you can verify the settings.

Connecting other user's Gitlab accounts

Let us now see how a user, other than the administrator (who has configured defects management) can link his/her Gitlab account to be identified as an issue reporter.

Navigating to defects management settings page, would let the user connect (or disconnect) his/her Gitlab account (see below)

Once user has linked Gitlab account, he would be treated as reporter for the issues reported by him while running test cases.

Reporting defect

To know about how tester can report defect at the time of running a test case if it fails, please refer this article.


  • Integration with Gitlab is available for companies on Premium or higher plans.

  • If you encounter an error that is not specific to the defect being reported then please consider checking the project specific defects management settings to see if the connection you configured is still valid, as sometimes change in Gitlab profile may invalidate the connection.

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